Sunday, March 20, 2016


We all that one friend who you treat like a kid and just push him around, make fun of him, irritate him, in short, just drive him nuts. Well, for me this is Choube! Don't bother with his real name as it is irrelevant and no one knows him by it as well so, meh!!

So I don't remember how i met this ass, but he surely has left a big impact in my life. He will always be there when i need him and is a brilliant human being. But just never trust his driving! *cold shiver runs down spine* 

He is so hard working that sometimes it can put the best of us to shame but saying this i must also add that i do not know about smart working :p He is as the description gives it away just amazing with the ladies, he has them sticking to him like bees to a flower and that is why he gets stung a lot. That ass!

He knows literally all my secrets and manipulates them so easily like a puppeteer that it's shocking how this lil ol twat of a person can do so much. Just amazing. But any of you reading this, get this straight only i can abuse him, no one else, let's get that out of the way.

So yea of the very few people that i choose to write about, he is one of those very few that makes the cut, coz well simple put, he holds a nice spot ... no no not in my effin heart! god damn it! probably my garage when i get my own house.

So yea, choube you ass! you are like the fine gentleman always prim and proper in contrast to me being the shoddy self and i ... nah!! again see i just cannot bring myself to say anything nice about you! it's just physically not possible. But am sure you get it, and that idiotic laugh must be happening to you now.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Indigo 6E 696

(This experience I had penned down during my flight from Bombay to Jaipur)

Well before I start I must admit that I had not expected that my day would turn out so horrible! Starting from the time my train tickets did not get confirmed till now when I am writing this, it has just not been my day.

Let me talk about some specifics. Since my train tickets did not get confirmed, I really had to find another way to get to Kota because if I had stayed in Pune i would have surely lost my mind (not that I have much :p). So, if not a train then how does one reach Kota? 

The answer was simple, by road. Now in order to shorten my road trip and save myself some time, I got a flight from Bombay till Jaipur (Indigo 6E 696). It was supposed to be a routine flight. If all would have been well I should have taken off from Bombay at 17:45 and landed at Jaipur airport at 19:15. But unfortunately this was not so.

It all started with that ill fated SMS that I got on my phone after I was done with the security check and was waiting at the gate, that my flight Indigo 6E 696, was not on time and had been delayed till 18:25. Well I thought, that is not so bad, 40 mins, fine I shall wait. So i started the wait, by the time i finished checking out chicks it was already 18:10 and the plane that was supposed to take us to Jaipur had not even reached Bombay, then how in God's name was 18:25 possible.

The flight arrived at 18:15 and boarding commenced (finally!!) at 18:30, so much for being on-time. Once the boarding was completed I was already groaning! You want to know why? well, there was me on the aisle, an empty seat in the middle and a lady with a baby by the window. 

I GOT BABIED on the plane and there was no turning back. But even then I was thinking, i can probably make it, but God had some other plans for me.

It began when the lady on the window seat started screaming "Oo behen" "Oo behen" at the Airhostess and when the "behen" came the lady was rudely telling her to fill the baby's milk bottle and bring it. When the Airhostess brought back the bottle with milk the lady started screaming again about the milk being very hot. But by that time the Airhostess was busy with slightly more important things like securing the plane door and prepping for takeoff. That's when i decided to be the knight in the shining armour *face palm*, i mixed water in the milk to cool it and was shaking the bottle around, and during all this the baby is crying away at full volume and the lady is hurling abuses at the airlines and the Airhostess that mostly included reference of mother and sister.

Then, during taxing, yes all this before even the plane has taken off, FML!! the last started up again abusing how stupid airline it is, stupid plane, stupid pilot, stupid everything (just replace stupid with reference of mother and sister). Thankfully after taking off she has dozed off and now flying at 30000 ft everything is calm thanks to the leading lady Uma and Neha, the lovely Air hostesses who have controlled everything and are working hard to ensure everyone is comfortable. Hopefully everything remains calm for the rest of the flight. *fingers crossed*

Friday, September 2, 2011


BRAVERY!!! What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word bravery? Do you think about a super hero or maybe a soldier that fights for our country.

Bravery to me is when someone shows courage when faced with obstacles, chooses to do the right thing or overcome fear in order to do what is right. Bravery is the ability to face danger, fear or pain. For instance...

A small kid going to school for the first time in his life is doing an act of bravery.

A teenager not bowing down to peer pressure and keeping a strong will is showing bravery.

A senior manager taking risky business decisions to take a company to new heights is doing a brave thing.

A working woman coming home from work and entering straight into the kitchen is showing bravery.

All these examples tough looking small are real acts of bravery because to do any of these things one requires strong will, determination and faith. But these are not the only kind of bravery that is there in life. Bravery can also be quoted as

"not only what it takes to stand up and speak but it is also to sit down and listen."

Take the instance of a boss shouting at the employee and he not reacting back in an aggressive manner but taking the shouting as positively as he can. This is an act of bravery.

The news about the death of a solider for the country when told to his parents and they instead of grieving much take pride and stand up tall is an act of bravery.

People who brave such things are really very strong and act as a shining example for others who are facing similar hardships and give them HOPE.

Another different kind of bravery is shown during a time of rejection and failure. The best example of which is 'Steve Jobs.'

Everyone knows who Steve jobs is, the retired CEO of apple. But not many people know that even tough he was the founder of apple he was removed from it. But showing bravery he did not give up and opened a new company PIXAR which now makes animated movies. Seeing his determination and strong will he was later reappointed in apple and he then took it to new heights.

He showed bravery in the time of rejection when normal people would have given up, but he did not and so he came out victorious.

So we can see that bravery is there in everyone and we all perform small acts of bravery throughout the day and lives and in this world of technology and electronics the meaning of bravery takes a whole new dimension as "electronic communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brace and true."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yes Man

A few years ago I saw this movie called 'Yes Man'. I was really very impressed with the concept of a person always saying 'YES' to everything, but at the same time I also thought that it was practically not possible. How little did I know that I was going to be proved wrong soon.

I met the 'Yes Man' for the first time in my first year of college, but at that time I did not know him that much. I got to know him properly in my final year of college and I can confidently say that some of my best memories of college are solely because of him.

He is a person who will no bloody hell matter what say 'NO' and such people are absolutely rare. Let me tell you what I am trying to tell you in a much better manner.

At 11:30 in the morning after college I tell him lets go to lonavala right now in a local train: 'YES'. At 3 in the night, let's ride down to mumbai: 'YES'. Let's go for go-karting, 'YES'. Let's go on a bike ride when it is bone numbing cold and raining like cats and dogs: 'YES'. Let's have an overnight trip to a fort: 'HELL YES'.

But but but, I have somehow, miraculously also heard a 'NO' from him. Let's hook you up to a girl: 'NO' and runs away. Boy was that a sad day in life. lol!!

But yes these are just a small percentage of all these instances and you can only just marvel at such a person who has such a positive outlook in life. I call myself lucky to know such an amazing person and my good friend Himaneesh. Dude you really are a 'YES MAN', a true true 'YES MAN'. A person I trust, admire and... just in awe of. Thanks for being the yes man you are.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


One gets to meet so many kinds of people in life, some you remember, some you don't. Well in-case you bump into this girl I am talking about you definitely will not forget her.

She meets you with her trademark smile and the rubbing of her nose. A brilliant chatterbox who can go on and on and on... She can make anyone smile at any time and that is one of her biggest talents, tough she does not accept it. :(

I met her for the first time in August 2010 and on our first meet itself had gone on a very memorable trip to Lonavala in a local train. Since then many such memorable moments have come and I cherish each and every one of them.

Oh! but let me warn you as well... never, I mean never ever ever get on her bad side because she absolutely without a doubt destroys everything in you or even with you with just her WORDS!! Talk about 'Girl Power'

Just while writing this I feel like laughing cause well not because of what I wrote but because on 30th of March is her birthday and she had told everyone that she will be asleepat 12 in the night and I had told her I will wish her at 12 only, and here she is reading this at 12... well a bit later and turning back and giving me this big smile of her's. :)

Wishing you a very very happy birthday BAM BAM :) will miss you loads.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Roomie

Who is a roomie?? Well the answer is simple, A roomie is a person with whom you share everything other than your underwear. And there are different kinds of roomies.. nerdy ones, silent ones, loud ones, lying ones, party ones and oh yeah!! the ones with a girlfriend.

I too have a roomie who is... well a mix of all the things said above. He is like sooo multi talented that even James Bond can take a leaf out of his book.

He is one of the biggest mystery that needs to be solved and when i feel like i am coming close to solving it a new one just pops up!! He is always there sitting in the house like a lost soul with jeans if girls are there and in boxers if no girls are there. He is also one of the funniest person i have met till date. One does not even get to know when he will poke fun at you and move on.

Oh and he is also one of the laziest and the most frightened person ever. I mean who is scared of a plug point... Come on!!

And yeah he is even a very homely person and is very attached to his mom especially... i mean he is all the time texting her. He is also very close to his grandparents whom he talks to at 4 in the night ;)

But you know all in all he is one of the finest person i have stayed with and will continue staying with him in our house.. oh sorry wait.. in our pig sty!! :D


Sunday, March 13, 2011

The two parts of a college life

I can easily say that I have seen both sides of college life. One where you don't go to college ever and just sit at home and do nothing other than chill and the other where you are so regular that the teachers also know your name. Now let me tell you my story...

I entered college for the first time in August of 2008. I was already a month late. That is how my college life started, a time when friends and groups are already made. But that also was not at all the issue. The main issue was that 'I just did not feel like going to college.' This is how it continued for 2 whole long years. I was like a guest faculty who used to make a rare appearance. I had absolutely no clue as to what would go on in college, always had to submit my practicals late and so on.

Then came a changing moment. My family shifted to London. Now i could not continue doing up and down from London and Pune coz well duh!! So i got a flat in Pune and stayed put.

Once this change happened started some of the best days of my life. I don't exaggerate when i say some of the best. I started going to college every single day, even i cant believe it but yes, every single day. At first it was tough, all alone in a college where nobody knows you. But then friends were made and many things about college were revealed that i did not even know happened. I got an amazing set of friends who are now there constantly nagging and taking care of me and not trusting me enough to let me out of their sights. PHEW!! talk about being under surveillance.

But all in all i can say this to all those in college or about to join one, ATTEND IT!! don't fool your parents by making up some excuse, trust me it's not worth it. You will just end up missing out on some of the best moments and experience of life.

And oh yeah!! even tough i attend college regularly i still have a late practical and my teacher who now unfortunately knows me is after my blood. LOL!! ;)