Tuesday, March 29, 2011


One gets to meet so many kinds of people in life, some you remember, some you don't. Well in-case you bump into this girl I am talking about you definitely will not forget her.

She meets you with her trademark smile and the rubbing of her nose. A brilliant chatterbox who can go on and on and on... She can make anyone smile at any time and that is one of her biggest talents, tough she does not accept it. :(

I met her for the first time in August 2010 and on our first meet itself had gone on a very memorable trip to Lonavala in a local train. Since then many such memorable moments have come and I cherish each and every one of them.

Oh! but let me warn you as well... never, I mean never ever ever get on her bad side because she absolutely without a doubt destroys everything in you or even with you with just her WORDS!! Talk about 'Girl Power'

Just while writing this I feel like laughing cause well not because of what I wrote but because on 30th of March is her birthday and she had told everyone that she will be asleepat 12 in the night and I had told her I will wish her at 12 only, and here she is reading this at 12... well a bit later and turning back and giving me this big smile of her's. :)

Wishing you a very very happy birthday BAM BAM :) will miss you loads.

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