Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Roomie

Who is a roomie?? Well the answer is simple, A roomie is a person with whom you share everything other than your underwear. And there are different kinds of roomies.. nerdy ones, silent ones, loud ones, lying ones, party ones and oh yeah!! the ones with a girlfriend.

I too have a roomie who is... well a mix of all the things said above. He is like sooo multi talented that even James Bond can take a leaf out of his book.

He is one of the biggest mystery that needs to be solved and when i feel like i am coming close to solving it a new one just pops up!! He is always there sitting in the house like a lost soul with jeans if girls are there and in boxers if no girls are there. He is also one of the funniest person i have met till date. One does not even get to know when he will poke fun at you and move on.

Oh and he is also one of the laziest and the most frightened person ever. I mean who is scared of a plug point... Come on!!

And yeah he is even a very homely person and is very attached to his mom especially... i mean he is all the time texting her. He is also very close to his grandparents whom he talks to at 4 in the night ;)

But you know all in all he is one of the finest person i have stayed with and will continue staying with him in our house.. oh sorry wait.. in our pig sty!! :D


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