Friday, September 2, 2011


BRAVERY!!! What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word bravery? Do you think about a super hero or maybe a soldier that fights for our country.

Bravery to me is when someone shows courage when faced with obstacles, chooses to do the right thing or overcome fear in order to do what is right. Bravery is the ability to face danger, fear or pain. For instance...

A small kid going to school for the first time in his life is doing an act of bravery.

A teenager not bowing down to peer pressure and keeping a strong will is showing bravery.

A senior manager taking risky business decisions to take a company to new heights is doing a brave thing.

A working woman coming home from work and entering straight into the kitchen is showing bravery.

All these examples tough looking small are real acts of bravery because to do any of these things one requires strong will, determination and faith. But these are not the only kind of bravery that is there in life. Bravery can also be quoted as

"not only what it takes to stand up and speak but it is also to sit down and listen."

Take the instance of a boss shouting at the employee and he not reacting back in an aggressive manner but taking the shouting as positively as he can. This is an act of bravery.

The news about the death of a solider for the country when told to his parents and they instead of grieving much take pride and stand up tall is an act of bravery.

People who brave such things are really very strong and act as a shining example for others who are facing similar hardships and give them HOPE.

Another different kind of bravery is shown during a time of rejection and failure. The best example of which is 'Steve Jobs.'

Everyone knows who Steve jobs is, the retired CEO of apple. But not many people know that even tough he was the founder of apple he was removed from it. But showing bravery he did not give up and opened a new company PIXAR which now makes animated movies. Seeing his determination and strong will he was later reappointed in apple and he then took it to new heights.

He showed bravery in the time of rejection when normal people would have given up, but he did not and so he came out victorious.

So we can see that bravery is there in everyone and we all perform small acts of bravery throughout the day and lives and in this world of technology and electronics the meaning of bravery takes a whole new dimension as "electronic communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brace and true."

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