Sunday, March 13, 2011

The two parts of a college life

I can easily say that I have seen both sides of college life. One where you don't go to college ever and just sit at home and do nothing other than chill and the other where you are so regular that the teachers also know your name. Now let me tell you my story...

I entered college for the first time in August of 2008. I was already a month late. That is how my college life started, a time when friends and groups are already made. But that also was not at all the issue. The main issue was that 'I just did not feel like going to college.' This is how it continued for 2 whole long years. I was like a guest faculty who used to make a rare appearance. I had absolutely no clue as to what would go on in college, always had to submit my practicals late and so on.

Then came a changing moment. My family shifted to London. Now i could not continue doing up and down from London and Pune coz well duh!! So i got a flat in Pune and stayed put.

Once this change happened started some of the best days of my life. I don't exaggerate when i say some of the best. I started going to college every single day, even i cant believe it but yes, every single day. At first it was tough, all alone in a college where nobody knows you. But then friends were made and many things about college were revealed that i did not even know happened. I got an amazing set of friends who are now there constantly nagging and taking care of me and not trusting me enough to let me out of their sights. PHEW!! talk about being under surveillance.

But all in all i can say this to all those in college or about to join one, ATTEND IT!! don't fool your parents by making up some excuse, trust me it's not worth it. You will just end up missing out on some of the best moments and experience of life.

And oh yeah!! even tough i attend college regularly i still have a late practical and my teacher who now unfortunately knows me is after my blood. LOL!! ;)

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