Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yes Man

A few years ago I saw this movie called 'Yes Man'. I was really very impressed with the concept of a person always saying 'YES' to everything, but at the same time I also thought that it was practically not possible. How little did I know that I was going to be proved wrong soon.

I met the 'Yes Man' for the first time in my first year of college, but at that time I did not know him that much. I got to know him properly in my final year of college and I can confidently say that some of my best memories of college are solely because of him.

He is a person who will no bloody hell matter what say 'NO' and such people are absolutely rare. Let me tell you what I am trying to tell you in a much better manner.

At 11:30 in the morning after college I tell him lets go to lonavala right now in a local train: 'YES'. At 3 in the night, let's ride down to mumbai: 'YES'. Let's go for go-karting, 'YES'. Let's go on a bike ride when it is bone numbing cold and raining like cats and dogs: 'YES'. Let's have an overnight trip to a fort: 'HELL YES'.

But but but, I have somehow, miraculously also heard a 'NO' from him. Let's hook you up to a girl: 'NO' and runs away. Boy was that a sad day in life. lol!!

But yes these are just a small percentage of all these instances and you can only just marvel at such a person who has such a positive outlook in life. I call myself lucky to know such an amazing person and my good friend Himaneesh. Dude you really are a 'YES MAN', a true true 'YES MAN'. A person I trust, admire and... just in awe of. Thanks for being the yes man you are.

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