Sunday, March 20, 2016


We all that one friend who you treat like a kid and just push him around, make fun of him, irritate him, in short, just drive him nuts. Well, for me this is Choube! Don't bother with his real name as it is irrelevant and no one knows him by it as well so, meh!!

So I don't remember how i met this ass, but he surely has left a big impact in my life. He will always be there when i need him and is a brilliant human being. But just never trust his driving! *cold shiver runs down spine* 

He is so hard working that sometimes it can put the best of us to shame but saying this i must also add that i do not know about smart working :p He is as the description gives it away just amazing with the ladies, he has them sticking to him like bees to a flower and that is why he gets stung a lot. That ass!

He knows literally all my secrets and manipulates them so easily like a puppeteer that it's shocking how this lil ol twat of a person can do so much. Just amazing. But any of you reading this, get this straight only i can abuse him, no one else, let's get that out of the way.

So yea of the very few people that i choose to write about, he is one of those very few that makes the cut, coz well simple put, he holds a nice spot ... no no not in my effin heart! god damn it! probably my garage when i get my own house.

So yea, choube you ass! you are like the fine gentleman always prim and proper in contrast to me being the shoddy self and i ... nah!! again see i just cannot bring myself to say anything nice about you! it's just physically not possible. But am sure you get it, and that idiotic laugh must be happening to you now.

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